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How to Properly Care for Concrete Saw Blades

With the right concrete saw blades, DIY projects for home improvement can prove to be an easier ordeal. With the concrete saw and the right blades, you can cut away concrete, drill holes and a bunch of other work involving these hardened materials. But to make sure that your investment on concrete blades is worth a while, you must pay attention to its proper use, care and maintenance.

Pay attention to use

Concrete saw blades are not universal. There are specific types and sizes that are more appropriate for certain jobs. In which case, make sure that you are using the right one for cutting a specific type of concrete.

Moreover, you have to make sure that you are using it properly. This is a complex work that may be better performed by a professional but it does not necessarily mean you cannot learn to do it yourself. As a matter of fact you can. Just make sure though that you are doing it the right way. Such can have a big impact on how long your blades will last.

The speed of the cutting is a factor

Sharper and smoother concrete cuts are obtained speed. The torque and the jagged edges on the blade also play a part but for the most part, speed is what is relied on. However, speed can also cause the blades to wear out faster. It is then important to make sure that you do not exceed the maximum rpm as stated on the label of the blade.

The recommended maximum speed denotes how much friction the materials the blades are made up of can tolerate. So, if you go over the maximum, you run the risk of damaging the blades. And more than that, you may also run the risk of getting yourself harmed in the process of pushing the blade beyond its tolerable speed limit.

Choose the blade that is made for the job

Again, there are specific blade types that are appropriate for each job type. For instance, if you are going for a dry cutting method, make sure that you are equipped with the appropriate blade. Also, make sure that you follow the recommendations for this method which includes cutting shallowly and intermittently.

On the other hand, wet cutting methods call for larger walk behind concrete saws. This specific type of blades is designed for cutting joints in flatwork. While you can use a dry cutting blade for wet cutting, it is never advisable to use a wet cutting blade when you intent to apply a dry cutting method.

Clean after use

Also, avoid frayed power cords that may also affect the concrete saw and blade performance. Finally, make sure you clean the concrete saw blades you use. It may also be wise to invest in an appropriate casing to house the blades and protect them for easier and faster wear and tear. All these reminders can absolutely help maximize the performance of the blade and its length of service which can ultimately save you money in the long run.e